Repair Drip Irrigation Systems
Farmers, gardeners, golf courses, and greenhouses all have one thing in common: their grass and plants need lots of watering. A drip irrigation system is made up of several key components that work together to deliver water directly to the base of plants, reducing water waste. These watering systems are generally the preferred solution, but over time and extensive use, the drip tubing or the water emitters may become damaged. Luckily, drip irrigation systems are generally straightforward to repair, and most homeowners can handle basic repairs with a little guidance.
At Sprinkler School, we want to make sure that you get your money’s worth from your drip irrigation system. By reviewing our blogs, you should be able to repair and maintain your drip irrigation system for years to come. Find out how to repair your irrigation line, learn about drip irrigation pipe repair, and so much more!

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A Guide To Replacing A Drip Irrigation Emitter What to Know and Look For This article explains how...
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Drip Irrigation For Bushes, Landscaping, And Flowerbeds These DIG 6 outlet drip emitters, also called a manifold, are...
Pressure Compensating Vs. Non-Pressure Compensating Some emitters are pressure compensating some are not. What’s the difference and why...
What Is A Drip Emitter I know what you’re thinking. But this is not the thing Chewie and...