Home > Pipe & Tubing > Running Sprinkler Pipe Under A Sidewalk or Driveway

Roots aren’t the only obstruction you’ll encounter during installation. Sometimes you need to run pipes or wire under a sidewalk or driveway. One option is to use a boring kit with a section of PVC pipe and a garden hose. Dwayne Smith is here for Sprinkler Warehouse. Let’s get started.

Sidewalk Boring Kit For Irrigation Pipe

Sprinkler Warehouse sells a Sidewalk and Pathway Boring kit. It’s the most efficient and cost-effective way to excavate under an obstacle! In addition to the kit, you’ll need a section of schedule 40 PVC pipe at least twice as long as the width of the path you’ll be tunneling under, and some PVC cement. A PVC Pipe cutter. And you’ll also need a water hose or a shovel or mattock for digging a trench.

To begin, dig a trench slightly longer than the width of the sidewalk you’re tunneling under to the depth of your sprinkler system, which will usually be between 6 and 12 inches. And you’ll need to trench on the other side of the sidewalk as well where the boring kit will break through. Cut a section of schedule 40 PVC pipe at least twice as long as the width of your pathway. Using PVC Cement, attach the PVC male adapters to the ends of your PVC pipe. Screw on the brass hose swivel fitting on one end. And the adapter and nozzle to the other end.

Connects To A Garden Hose

Connect the garden hose to the swivel adapter. Insert the pipe into the trench and with the nozzle pointed under the sidewalk or driveway. Turn on the water. Leave the nozzle in place for a few seconds to allow the water to loosen the soil. Pull the pipe back 6 inches to a foot and thrust it into the soil again. Keep repeating this pattern until you have completely bored under your driveway or walkway.

The water will create a hole roughly the diameter of the PVC pipe. Large or small areas can be excavated by adjusting the length of the PVC pipe. The kit can be used again and again by adding a coupler to the PVC pipe or purchasing additional PVC reducing adapters.

Once the pipe has made it through to the other side you can shut off the water and cut the hose end fittings from both ends of the pipe. The PVC pipe you were using with the tools, now becomes your irrigation pipe. You can attach fittings to the pipe and continue to assemble your irrigation system.

Use A Hand Siphon To Remove Excess Water

A handheld siphon pump will come in useful for quickly removing the water from the trench so you can continue installation immediately. Siphon pumps are also available from Sprinkler Warehouse dot com.

Remember Sprinkler Warehouse has everything for your irrigation needs. So, your trees lawn flowerbeds, and gardens are lush and beautiful. And if you have any questions about our products. Chat with one of our superb customer service agents on They really know their stuff, and they will get you squared away. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for helpful tips tutorials and general sprinkler instruction. I’m Dwayne Smith for Sprinkler Warehouse. Professional quality. Rock bottom prices.

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