Home > Pest Control > What Pests Are Harmful To My Lawn?

How To Regulate Lawn Pests And Diseases 

This article explains what pests are harmful to your lawn. Pests are annoying, anywhere they inhabit. As with any other troublesome problem for your lawn, the first step is determining the problem.

Pest issues, like lawn diseases, occur when your lawn is weak and vulnerable. A pest might be insects, weeds, diseases, weather, human additives and practices, and animals. Once the pest has been identified, you will need to take the proper steps to avoid any further damage. This includes changing whatever practices or environmental issues you can. Only then should you begin to repair the damage that has been done. The best defense is to have a strong offense.

Being on the lookout for pest invasions can be very important in catching a situation before it gets out of control. You may even want to research what local insects are prevalent in your area. This will give you the upper hand in detecting them.

Above are images of just a few pests that can be harmful to your lawn.

This Is What Pet Urination Can Do To Your Lawn:

Overall, a lawn in tip-top shape is the best protection against pests. The only downfall is that the luscious grass is like candy to pests, but a vibrant lawn can repair itself after an attack.  When it comes to making a decision on what type of pest control to employ, remember that there is a multitude of choices ranging from chemical, to human tactics, to even biological warfare. A huge letdown to a pest is when they try to take over a lawn that contains endophytic fungi which can fight off and even kill pests that are brave enough to take a bite out of your lawn.

Using Pesticide:

Using pesticides is a good starting point to protect your lawn. However, you must remember to use them with caution. Especially if you have children or animals, make sure you find a chemical that is safe for everyone that comes in contact with your lawn. The improper use of pesticides can cause even more damage than you had to start with. Check before each use to see if the pesticide is correct for the pest, the grass type, and the season. Always follow the instructions for the dosage to the letter and take all safety precautions. Believe it or not, pests can even include your beloved pets. A dog’s urine contains salt which can cause major damage to your lawn. Typically, a healthy lawn can bounce back and repair itself, but this can take some time.

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Speed Up The Repair Process:

You can speed the repairing process by flooding the area with water. You might find the only way to keep this from re-occurring is by changing your pet’s diet or by designating a certain area of your yard for animal waste. Don’t go on a killing rampage and start ridding your lawn of every insect. There are insects that actually ward off any unwanted pests and it is possible to set your lawn up to attract these little helpers. This is done by providing nectar, water to drink, and a safe place to call home. Below is a table showing examples of some common helpful insects, as well as a few harmful varieties.

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