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Using A Sprinkler System To Fight Zika

This article explains how you can use your sprinkler system to fight the Zika virus. As each day passes, the threat of the Zika virus grows more and more real. There has been an increase in recorded cases in the US, and it’s now officially recommended that all pregnant women get tested for the virus whether or not they have been exposed directly or indirectly to the virus.

Other Diseases To Be Aware Of:

Add this to the ever-present fear created by other mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile or Chikungunya, mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance – they are a legitimate threat to our health and well-being!

Where Do Mosquitoes Breed?

This means we must adopt new mentalities about how we protect ourselves and prevent the growth and spread of mosquitoes. We know that standing water is the primary breeding ground for mosquitoes. For this reason, sprinkler systems can actually act as a promoter of mosquito breeding. But what if we could turn that liability into a strength and a beneficial tool against the war on mosquitoes and the spreading of disease? Click here to learn more about where mosquitoes are breeding in your yard.

How To Fight The Pests In Your Yard:

We can! By using a sprinkler system, it is possible to spray natural mosquito repellents that also act as a pesticide onto your lawn. The solutions are safe for human contact, for your pets, and your kids while proven effective in fighting off mosquitoes. now offers a variety of different options when it comes to these kinds of systems. They range in cost, but everyone can be retrofitted to work with any existing sprinkler system regardless of its age or size.

Click here to shop for mosquito and pest control, including the Sprinkler Magician Mosquito Killer Machine

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