Cool vs. Warm Grass
This article provides a detailed list of both cool and warm grass types which is important in helping you identify what type of grass you have. We will begin by identifying the cool grasses and end with the warm ones.
Cool Season Grasses

So, I’m new at this. Without having to purchase many books and spending countless hours reading literature with big words, how do I determine whether I have cool season grass or warm season grass?
Key attributes:
You will find this type of grass hiding out in the northern areas where it is nice and cool. They grow the best during the cooler months of spring and fall. Once Mother Nature’s air conditioner turns off in the summer, they typically tend to become dormant.
Common Cool-Season Grass Species:

Bentgrass-Bentgrass is a type of grass commonly used for turf on golf courses, bowling greens, and other sports fields due to its fine texture, dense growth, and ability to be maintained at very short heights.

Kentucky Bluegrass– Kentucky Bluegrass is a popular cool-season grass known for its lush, green appearance, fine texture, and durability. It is widely used in lawns, parks, athletic fields, and golf courses, particularly in cooler climates.

Rough Bluegrass– Rough Bluegrass is commonly used in shady, moist areas. While it is closely related to Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass has an even finer texture and bright green to yellowish-green color.

Red Fescue– Red Fescue is known for its shade tolerance and ability to thrive in low-maintenance environments. This grass boasts shade tolerance, drought tolerance, and is highly adaptable to a range of soil conditions.

Annual Ryegrass– Sometimes called Italian Ryegrass because it’s native to Europe, Annual Ryegrass is often used for quick cover, erosion control, and overseeding purposes. It is valued for its fast germination and rapid growth.

Perennial Ryegrass – Perennial Ryegrass is a cool-season grass prized for its rapid germination and wear tolerance. Unlike Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass can persist for several years under the right conditions, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.
Warm Season Grasses

Since you will find this type in the South, you know they will be adapted to the heat even in the drought areas. They tend to kick their growth into overdrive during the hottest parts of summer.
Unlike the Cool Season grass, they become dormant once the cooler seasons approach. Zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are two of the best known species of warm season grasses.
Common Warm-Season Grass Species:

Bahia – Bahia Grass is a warm-season, perennial grass commonly used in lawns, pastures, and erosion control in regions with hot, humid climates. Bahia is native to South America and is valued for its ability to tolerate drought and heat.

Bermuda– This warm-season grass is widely used for lawns, sports fields, golf courses, and pastures. It thrives in full sunlight and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like sports fields and parks.

Buffalo – Buffalo Grass, native to North America, is highly regarded for its drought tolerance and low maintenance requirements. This grass is primarily used in regions with hot summers and areas where water conservation is a priority.

Carpet– Carpet Grass is commonly used for areas with poor soil and high moisture. It is known for its ability to thrive in wet, acidic soils and low-fertility environments, making it a popular choice in the southeastern United States, tropical regions, and humid climates.

Centipede – Centipede Grass is commonly used in the southeastern United States and other regions with sandy, acidic soils. It is well known for its slow growth, low nutrient requirements, and ability to form a dense, weed-resistant turf.

St. Augustine– St. Augustine Grass is common in the southern United States, the Gulf Coast, and other regions with warm, humid climates. It is prized for its tolerance for heat, humidity, and partial shade and is seen in both residential and commercial settings.