Home > Fittings > PVC-Lock Slide Repair Coupling

Today I’m going to use this PVC-Lock Slide Repair Fitting and a PVC-Lock Coupling to repair a broken pipe in record time. Yeah…! And I’m not using any glue!! “OWWW” Sorry Dude! Alfred Castillo here, the Sprinkler Warehouse Pro. Let’s get started!

Items Needed To Use A Slide Coupling For Pipe Repair

Here’s what you’re going to need to do the repair: A pipe cutter or hacksaw. A Hydro Rain PVC-Lock Slide Repair Fitting. A PVC-Lock Coupling. Hydro-Rain makes these great PVC-Lock fittings that come in couplings, tees, flexible couplings, end caps, elbows, and adapters‚ so many great products and so many uses. The cool thing about the PVC-Lock system is it requires no glue. You just slide it on like this. The fitting even can be rotated after installation. Whoa! Mind Blown!

Easy Release Coupling With PVC-Lock Release Tool

And removing it is simple. You’ll need to purchase a PVC-Lock Release Tool the same size as your fitting. You’ll notice that this end of the slide fitting is essentially 1-inch tubing. So you can add any variety of fittings on the end. And because it slides back and forth. I won’t have to be really picky about what length of pipe I need to cut out. I’m going to pop on the PVC-Lock Coupling. It looks like with this configuration I can repair a section of pipe of up to 10-inches. And I’ll need to remove a section of pipe at least 7-inches to fit it in. Okay, start the timer!

Stop the timer! Cuz this puppy is done! And no stinky glue. “Whoo.” Wasn’t me! This repair needs zero seconds of drying time. This pipe is ready for water pressure right now. I can even remove it with this tool if necessary and reuse the parts! How cool is that!?

Shop PVC Repair Supplies At Sprinkler Warehouse

Remember, Sprinkler Warehouse has everything you need to keep your irrigation systems up and running so your trees, lawn, flower beds, and gardens are lush and beautiful. And if you have any questions about our products chat with one of my buddies in the customer service department on Sprinkler Warehouse dot com. They really know their stuff and they’ll get you squared away. Feel free to leave a comment, and let us know what other subjects you are interested in learning about. For Sprinkler Warehouse, I’m Alfred Castillo, your Sprinkler Warehouse Pro!

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