What Are The Parts Of An Irrigation Valve And What Do They Do?
This is a short article that discusses the various parts of an irrigation valve. The valve is an essential part of the irrigation sprinkler system. The main components of sprinkler valves are the diaphragm, solenoid, springs, and various gaskets or O-rings. Similarly, with there being many different kinds of irrigation valves available, make sure to select the one that will give you the greatest return on your next project. Click here to shop for valves.
The solenoid is an electric cylinder, which is a crucial part of an automatic valve. In addition, the solenoid receives an electric message from the sprinkler system controller, and in turn, controls the movement of the diaphragm. Manual irrigation valves don’t require a solenoid.
The diaphragm is the rubber plug inside the valve, responsible for opening or shutting off the flow of water.
Wire Spring:
Behind the diaphragm is a wire spring.
Some irrigation valves have a jar-top lid. However, in other designs the lid is held in place with screws.
Bleed Screw:
Many valve designs feature a bleed screw. The bleed screw is tightened or loosened to manually control the flow of water to the valve.
Below Is A Diagram Of The Various Parts Of An Irrigation Valve:

In conclusion, if one of the lawn sprinkler valves needs repair, it’s usually not necessary to replace the entire valve. Disassemble the valve and replace the components individually. Major manufacturers of sprinkler valves also make replacement parts, and it’s often easier to replace the parts than to cut the entire valve from the pipe.