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Adjustable Drip Spike Vs. Stake Emitters

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Today we’re going to walk through a few adjustable spiked bubblers. Also called stake bubblers. We will also show you how to install them. Let’s get started with the Sprinkler Warehouse Pro.

About Drip Irrigation Spike Emitters

It’s a spike! It’s an adjustable shutoff valve! It’s an emitter. These various spike bubblers have adjustable flow rates and they’ll keep your planter boxes, potted plants, and flower beds looking perky. Let’s go play with these. First, let’s make some holes in my mainline using a Pro Punch.

Stakes come with a handy dandy connector, right here. Let me pull that off. This connects your quarter-inch micro tubing to your mainline tubing. So, let me grab some micro tubing here. A trick here is to dip the end of the micro tubing in some warm water. That will make for easier barb insertion. Now, an even better trick is this. Check it out.

It’s an insertion tool. Sound effects not included. Now, insert the barb into your mainline. Usually, there’ll be a tiny little pop noise. Yeah like that! That means the connector is properly nested.

Micro Tubing For Stake Emitters

Now insert the micro tubing onto the barb of the stake. So, now let’s see what they do. This is a 360-degree bubble. This is a 180-degree bubble.

The limited throw pattern helps to keep the water on your plants, and off the sidewalk. This is an umbrella bubbler. And this little guy right here is a vortex. As you can see each of these is adjustable. These emitters are designed to go inline. Let’s add a couple more.

Now at the end of the line, you should install a regular emitter. Not an inline emitter. Otherwise, water will flow unimpeded out of the last emitter. Waterlogging your plants and running up your water bill. If you don’t have a regular emitter you can throw in a goof plug like this.

Shop Sprinkler Warehouse For Drip Irrigation Spike & Stake Emitters

Remember, Sprinkler Warehouse has everything for your irrigation needs. So that your trees, lawn, flower beds, and gardens are lush and beautiful. And if you have any questions about our products just give us a call or chat with one of our superb customer service agents on Sprinkler Warehouse dot com. They really know their stuff and they’ll get you squared away. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the most out of our irrigation tutorials and sprinkler system tips. Thanks for watching from your Sprinkler Warehouse Pro.

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